Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Case for Pan-European Ethnic Nationalism

The EU is one of the world's highest developed areas in economical, cultural and social aspect. Selfish nationalism’s that divide Europeans amongst themselves is senseless and nothing more than pure stupidity, therefore we should protect our continent from those who want to abuse it and the only way to correctly achieve this is through the abolition of European States and the creation of one great European Superstate that would span form Lisbon to Vladivostok, this great nation would blend and merge Europeans amongst themselves while at the same time it would guarantee a viable future for the European People.

We should fight for the Pan-European National cause, because IT'S OUR LAND, and the land that our ancestors have fought and spilled their blood over for millennia. Europe is a high-developed society with all the necessary conditions to be a leading world power and not the laughingstock that the Marxist/Liberal traitors are turning it into. The problem is not the EU, but the people who run the EU, the idea of uniting Europe into a Superstate or Federal State is without any doubt a great idea, the problem is that the Marxist/Liberals are totally betraying Europe with their disgusting political agenda. The objective behind this is clearly to break and smash the power, moral and will of ALL Europeans, for this reason it is urgent that the European People wake up from the apathy that is literally killing them and face these cruel enemies in the way they need to be faced.
We should also protect our interests on the global stage, it is time Europe to stop helping and making commerce with countries that do not respect the European People and it’s culture. In South Africa and Zimbabwe many of our  brothers and sisters of European ancestry have been persecuted and killed with no consequence for the governments of these two countries, many more will continue to suffer if Europe continues in this suicidal apathy.

The liberal trade policies have resulted in problematic consequences for Europe, the EU is run by an Oligarchy with some very selfish interests that are destroying Europe from day to day, the declining birth rates, the over-materialistic European society nowadays, the demented and twisted counter-culture movements which continues to poison the youth of Europe, all these are elements created mostly by the capitalist system that dominates Europe, capitalism is destroying Europe daily and that is why destroying it is and must be an essential part of our fight. Liberalism is poisoning the EU, and democracy has become some kind of "psychiatric hospital", where people can do anything they want. Above all, democracy today in Europe is nothing more than a popularity contest in which the party who wins is the party that has the most money to produce propaganda with which it brainwashes the European People. More striking even is the fact that European political parties today are nothing more than businesses that secure financial supporte from the world of high finance in exchange for being the dummies of these “economic interests”, in other words: political parties today are nothing more than prostitutes that sell themselves and the people they supposedly represent in exchange for money. I just hope that in the future more and more citizens of the European Union will recognize these horrible facts and start supporting the ONLY solution for our problems which is Pan-European Ethnic Nationalism.

Montag Spice - July 31st of 2011

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